
avatar of David Boerm
David Boerm

Full stack web developer with design background utilizing sharply honed attention to detail and technical expertise to create web experiences that look fantastic, and more importantly, work flawlessly.

In a previous life I was an Air Force avionics technician turned graphic designer and vinyl wrapper. In my newly found coding aspirations, I can see that my experiences will merge well with the creativity, problem solving and focus that web development requires.

Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, mySQL, Sequelize, MongoDB, Mongoose, and React with a dabbling of Bootstrap, Bulma, and Tailwind for style.


Bubbblr - brainstorming app (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express, Bootstrap)

This app allows multiple users to create brainstorming sessions(idea bubbbling). After creating a login, the user may start a new project and choose the headings for the idea categories for that particular brainstorming session. Then others may join the chat to generate ideas. Finally, a chart can be generated which will sort the ideas under each category for reference.

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Movie Review App (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bulma)

This is a fun app for movie fans to explore their favorite movies and get a quick snapshot of pertinent info.

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JavaScript Coding Quiz (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Simple quiz app to test JavaScript knowledge and keep high scores in local storage.

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Password Generator (HTML, CSS)

8-128 character password generator using prompts to input character inclusion (upper/lowercase, specials, numbers).

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Future Project...

Sint biltong spare ribs labore. Ut tenderloin capicola, cupim exercitation deserunt ham hock...

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